Energy-Efficient AMD EPYC™ Processors Bring Significant Savings

Cut electricity consumption by up to half with AMD's power-saviing EPYC™ processors.

  • October 27, 2022 | Author:
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Nokia was able to target up to a 40% reduction in server power consumption using EPYC. DBS and Ateme each experienced a 50% drop in energy costs. AMD’s EPYC™ processors can provide big energy-saving benefits, so you can meet your most demanding application performance requirements and still provide planetary and environmental efficiencies.

For example: To provide a collection of 1,200 virtual machines, AMD would require 10 servers compared to 15 for those built using equivalent Intel CPUs. This translates into a 41% lower total cost of ownership over a three-year period, with a third less energy consumption, saving on carbon emissions too. For deep detail and links to case studies by the companies mentioned above. Find out how they  saved significantly on energy-costs while reducing their carbon footprints, check out the infographic.


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